
The Luxuriant Club

Design Techniques / 設計手法

- 巧置隱性隔間 梳理人群集散 Ingeniously set up latent compartments Skillfully guide the crowd flow

位於場域中央的衣帽間,為維繫區域間的連結互動,採用上下兩段式的藍灰色絲絨簾幔包裹,形塑劇場意象,成為活動區與吧檯區的軟性分隔島,以一動一靜為概念,分別在兩側營造走動交流,以及閒聊品酒的場所,使人群的聚集和流動更加順暢。 In the center of the domain, we separately cover the upside and downside of the cloakroom with bluish-gray velvet curtains, hence, as well as to bring out the situation of the theatre pattern. The indistinct partition that between the activity area and the bar area perfectly link up the interaction of the scopes at the same time. We hold the concept of vigor and comfort, hence plan a social intercourse site on one side, and on the other side set up an unwind space for chatting and tasting wine, hope to shape an inviting circumstance and a more smooth flow.

- 錯落明暗視域 幻化光影秘境 Perfectly integrate the bright and dim areas Excellently transform the realm of light and shadow

宴會長桌、伸展檯與吧檯等重點位置,設有華美的水晶燈及造型燈飾,以搶眼白光自然聚焦眾人視線,其周圍採用光源溫和的嵌燈,使絲質壁布在照映下散發柔美光暈,模糊區域間的過渡,間或點綴的明亮畫廊燈,帶出特色藝品。明暗錯落的視覺,為環境增添神秘感,穿梭其間恍若置身幻境。 The focal settings such as the long table for banquet, the cat-walk, and the bar are equipped with gorgeous crystal lights and modeling finishing to catch people's attention with bright white-ray of lights. Moreover, make use of the mild recessed illumination of the surrounding sides, so that the silk wall covering radiates soft halo under the reflection. In addition to blur the transition among the areas, yet assort with the sheeny gallery lamps to show the character of artworks. The view of light and shadow adds up the mystery sensation of the space; and makes it feel like in the fantasy world.

- 揉合多元質地 平衡美學五感 Audaciously make use of the multiple materials Meticulously balance the five sensations of aesthetics

建案本身存在巨大結構柱,為消弭壓迫感並拓展感官延伸性,採大量鏡面修飾整體,交錯使用明、黑以及茶鏡,利用深淺不一的色調與質地,避免映像重複造成繚亂的視覺畫面;室內的強烈光源及玻璃、大理石等易反光建材,則以溫潤木質與藍絲絨布調和,呈現晶瑩剔透而不冷硬的繽紛效果。 In order to eliminate the oppress sense of the original massive column, and moreover to create an open and capacious pattern, therefore, make use of a large number of mirrors for the spatial finishing. We take the advantages of the layering tone and texture of the clear, dark, and tawny glasses, thus, avoid the dizzy vision that caused by the duplicated images. And then, by means of the balmy timber and blue velvet cloth to moderate the reflective materials such as the dazzling interior illumination, glass, and marble, consequently, bring about the glamorous effect of crystal clear but not rigid.
