
Superbly Well-being

Design Techniques / 設計手法

- 配襯多元建材 調和質地觸感 Coordinate with multiple building materials to harmonize the texture and the touching

種類繁多的建材,分作質地硬、軟的兩線,相互交織調和。硬材部分,除了用於隱藏暗門的茶鏡及烤漆面板外,以大理石牆面與白水晶地磚為主,利用其光華潔淨的表面和紋理,形塑亮麗的整體基調;軟材質為壁布、皮革製成的軟包牆面,與石材相互搭配,達到柔化冷硬質感的效果,同時陳設許多皮革、毛料軟裝,為觸覺、視覺感受添加多變性。 Divide the multiple building materials into two parts - stiff and soft texture, and then excellently integrate and balance the features. At the first regard to the stiff texture, utilize the tawny glass to conceal the hidden door, moreover, by means of the smooth and concise superficial texture of marble and white crystal tile to set up the wall and the floor, so that shapes the glamorous tone of the overall space. Furthermore, exploit the soft elements such as textile wall covering and leather to fix up the metope, which softens the frigid sense of the stone. At the same time, the leather and woolen furnishing layout brings out the attractive features of tactile and visual perceptions.

- 變置光源形式 塑造情境氛圍 Take advantages of different illumination to create the surrounding ambience

在餐廳與各衛浴間上方,皆有水晶吊燈的設置,匯聚區域焦點於餐桌、浴缸等重點軟裝,並以其晶瑩剔透的光芒,與牆面及地坪光滑潤澤的石材遙相輝映,營造亮眼高貴的情境;而客廳和臥室則採大面積開窗,讓外部光線進入室內,同時改用亮度較溫和的嵌燈,讓多元的軟裝質感,得以用最自然姿態展現,並隨日光移轉變化萬千。 The crystal chandelier settings in the dining area and the bathroom concentrate the vision on the custom-made dining table and the bathtub. And with the glittering and translucent luster to work in concert with the smooth and glossy stonewall and floor, hence, bring about the eye-catching and noble scenes. In addition to set up large-scale windows to introduce the natural sunlight into the living area and the bedroom, moreover, takes the advantage of the gentle recessed lights to help the diverse soft furnishings stand out the natural texture in the daylight.

- 巧設雕花面板 指引空間動線 Ingeniously set the captivating vaulted ceiling of carved pattern to guide the flow of the space

天花板經大量線板裝飾,不僅增添光影層次與線條,亦於現代時尚的風格中融入新古典元素。其中玄關與中央長廊上方,以鑲面、分割拼貼手法,製成菱形立體雕花面板,藉特殊的造型指引整體動線,同時做無形的區域分隔。 The ceiling is decorated with various moldings, which creates the light and shadow layering, in the meantime incorporates the neo-classical element into the modern vogue style. The ceiling of the entryway and the central corridor exploits the inlaying and collaging techniques to fashion the engraved diamond shape, which guides the flow via the unique molding, and vaguely divide the different areas at the same time.
